Chronological List of Series
Paper Books (Charles Boni, 1929)
Boni Books (Albert & Charles Boni, 1930)
Inner Sanctum Paper/Dollar Novels (Simon & Schuster 1930)
Paper Borzoi Books (Knopf 1935)
Seal Books (Modern Age 1937)
Pocket Books (1939)
Penguin Books (US) (1939)
Avon Books (Avon Publications, Inc., Nov. 21, 1941)
Dell Books (1943)
Bantam Books (Bantam, January 1946)
Crofts Classics (F. S. Crofts & Co., September 1946)
Hafner Library of Classics (Hafner Publishing Co, fall 1947)
Library of Liberal Arts (Liberal Arts Press, 1948; Bobbs-Merrill, 1961)
Rinehart Editions (Rinehart & Co., 1948)
Signet Books (New American Library, 1948)
Permabooks (Doubleday/Garden City, September 1948)
Pyramid Books (Almat, February 1950)
Gold Medal Books (Fawcett, Feb. 17, 1950)
Readers Editions (Simon & Schuster, unnumbered, spring 1950)
Modern Library College Editions (Random House, September 1950)
Reviewers Selections (Grosset & Dunlap, Oct. 1, 1950)
Library of Religion (Liberal Arts Press, January 1952)
Ace Books (A. A. Wyn, October 1952)
Anchor Books (Doubleday, 1953)
American Heritage Series (Liberal Arts Press, 1954)
Papers in Psychology (Doubleday, 1954; Random House, 1956)
Short Studies in Political Science (Doubleday, 1954; Random House, 1956)
Short Studies in Sociology (Doubleday, 1954; Random House, 1956)
Vintage Books (Alfred A. Knopf, 1954; Random House, 1960)
Image Books (Doubleday, Oct. 14, 1954)
Evergreen Books (Grove Press, January 1955)
Modern Library Paperbacks (Random House, Jan. 31, 1955)
Meridian Books (Noonday Press, February 1955)
Meridian Giants (Noonday Press, February 1955)
Anvil Books (Van Nostrand, Feb. 1, 1955)
Viking Portable Library (Viking, March 1955)
Beacon Paperbacks (Beacon Press, April 1955)
Docket Series (Oceana, April 1955)
Harvest Books (Harcourt, Brace, August 1955)
Gateway Editions (Henry Regnery Co., Fall 1955)
Wing Books (Falcon's Wing Press, September 1955)
New Directions Paperbooks (New Directions Press, October 1955)
Noonday Paperbacks (Noonday Press, October 1955)
Milestones of Thought (Ungar, 1956)
Phoenix Books (U. Chicago Press, Feb. 28, 1956)
Compass Books (Viking Press, March 1956)
Riverside Editions (Houghton-Mifflin, Apr. 15, 1956)
Living Age Books (Meridian Books, May 1956)
Dramabooks (Hill & Wang, August 1956)
Meridian Library (Meridian Books, c. September 1956)
Torchlights / Torchbooks (Harper & Bros., September 1956)
Universal Library (Grosset & Dunlap, September 1956)
Galaxy Books (Oxford UP, Sept. 27, 1956)
Apex Books (Abingdon Press, Mar. 25, 1957)
American Century Series (Sagamore, April 1957; Hill & Wang, 1960)
Midland Books (Indiana UP, April 1957)
Dutton [Everyman] Paperbacks (Dutton, September 1957)
Men of Wisdom (Harper & Bros., Feb. 5, 1958)
Jewish Publication Society Series (Meridian, March 1958)
Keystone Books (Lippincott, August 1958)
Norton Library (Norton, September 1958)
International Library of Psychology, Philosophy, and Scientific Method (Littlefield, Adams 1959)
Capricorn Books (Putnam's, Mar. 1, 1959)
Tulane Drama Review (Tulane University / Hill & Wang, Mar. 17, 1959)
Spectrum Books (Prentice-Hall, April 1959)
Vista Books (Viking, Arp. 17, 1959)
Chicago History of American Civilization (U. Chicago Press, August 1959)
Christendom Books (Doubleday, August 1959)
Yale Paperbounds (Yale UP, September 1959)
Praeger Paperbacks (Praeger, Sept. 1, 1959)
Anchor Science Study Series (Doubleday, Sept. 10, 1959)
Swallow Paper Books (Alan Swallow, Sept. 30, 1959)
Spotlight Dramabooks (Hill & Wang, 1960)
Meridian Fiction (Meridian Books, February 1960)
Scribner Library (Charles Scribner's Sons, February 1960)
Explorer Books (Viking, March 1960)
Macmillan Paperbacks (Macmillan, March 1960)
Beacon Series in Liberal Religion (Beacon, Spring 1960)
Atlantic Paperbacks (Ungar, April 1960)
University Paperbacks (Barnes & Noble, April 1960)
Evergreen Cartoon Books (Grove, Apr. 1, 1960)
Evergreen Profile Books (Grove, Apr. 11, 1960)
Coward-McCann Contemporary Drama (Coward-McCann, Apr. 12, 1960)
Vintage Russian Library (Alfred A. Knopf, May 16, 1960; Random House, August/September 1960)
Dolphin Books (Doubleday, June 24, 1960)
Praeger University Series (Praeger, August 1960, though not a separate line from Praeger Paperbacks until January 1962)
Perpetua Books (A.S. Barnes, September 1960)
Insight Books (Van Nostrand, October 30, 1960)
Evergreen Target Books (Grove, Oct. 31, 1960)
Coward-McCann Heritage Drama (Coward-McCann, December 1960)
Preceptor Books (Lippincott, c. January 1961)
Evergreen Pilot Books (Grove, Jan. 26, 1961)
Wisdom of the East Paperbacks (Grove, February 1961)
American Experience Series (Corinth Books, March 1961)
Apollo Editions (Thomas Y. Crowell / Dodd, Mead / William Morrow, mid-March 1961)
Schocken Paperbacks (Schocken Books, Mar. 15, 1961)
U Books (Barnes & Noble, Spring 1961)
Black Cat Books (Grove Press, c. June 1961)
Citadel Paperbacks (Citadel Press, July 1961)
New Mathematical Library (Random House, July 1961)
Studies in Anthropology (Random House, c. July 1961)
English Masterpieces (Prentice-Hall, August 1961)
American Authors and Critics Series (Barnes & Noble, August-September 1961)
Anchor Natural History Library (Doubleday, September 1961)
Sentry Editions (Houghton-Mifflin, Sept. 11, 1961)
Science Editions (Basic Books / Wiley, Sept. 28, 1961)
Xanadu Library (Crown, October 1961)
Collier Books (Crowell-Collier, Oct. 1, 1961)
C&UP B-Series (College & University Press, 1962)
C&UP L-Series (College & University Press, 1962)
C&UP P-Series (College & University Press, 1962)
Masterworks of Literature (College & University Press, 1962)
Riverside Literature Series (Houghton Mifflin, 1962)
Studies in Economics (Random House, 1962)
Wayne Books (Wayne State University Press, Feb. 5, 1962)
Searchlight Books (Van Nostrand, March 1962)
United States Authors Series (College and University Press, c. March 1962)
Worlds of Science (Pyramid, Mar. 15, 1962)
Visual Books (Dell, Mar. 29, 1962)
Great Debate Books (Henry Regnery Co., April 1962)
Charter Books (Bobbs-Merrill, Aug. 25, 1962)
New World Paperbacks (International Fall 1962)
Atheneum Paperbacks (Atheneum, September 1962)
Barnes & Noble Art Series (Barnes & Noble, September 1962)
Colophon Books (Harper & Row, September 1962)
Doubleday College Course Guides (Doubleday, Sept. 21, 1962)
Delta Books (Dell, Sept. 26, 1962)
Harbinger Books (Harcourt, Brace & World, October 1962)
Little, Brown Paperbacks (Little, Brown, Oct. 30, 1962)
New Perspectives in Political Science (Van Nostrand, 1963)
Schocken Folios (Schocken Books, 1963)
Compass History of Art (Viking, January 1963)
Universal Reference Library (Grosset & Dunlap, January 1963)
Forum Books (World, March 1963)
Anchor Seventeenth-Century Series (Doubleday, Mar. 8, 1963)
Encounter Books (aka Quadrangle Paperbacks) (Quadrangle, Sept. 6, 1963)
Momentum Books (Van Nostrand, December 26, 1963)
Anchor Documents in American Civilization (Doubleday, Jan. 3, 1964)
Perennial Library (Harper & Row, July 1964)
Book-Sized Paperbacks (Random House / Knopf / Pantheon, August 1964)
Seabury Paperbacks (Seabury Press, Sept. 10, 1964)
Riverside Studies in Literature (Houghton Mifflin, 1965)
Studies in Education (Random House, 1965)
Studies in Labor (Random House, 1965)
Studies in Philosophy (Random House, 1965)
Studies in Speech (Random House, 1965)
Zenith Books (Doubleday, January 1965)
ChapelBooks (Harper & Row, Jan. 27, 1965)
Logos Books (Regnery, Mar. 1965)
Echo Books (Doubleday, Mar. 5, 1965)
John Harvard Library Books (Harvard UP, September 1965)
Perennial Library American Heritage Paperbacks (Harper & Row, May 1965)
Stanford Paperbacks (Stanford UP, September 1965)
Perennial Classics (Harper & Row, Sept. 8, 1965)
Schocken Texts in English Literature (Schocken, Oct. 8, 1965)
Johns Hopkins Paperbacks (Johns Hopkins UP, Oct. 18, 1965)
Hill & Wang Paperbacks (Hill & Wang, 1966)
New Mermaids (Hill & Wang, 1966)
Studies in the History of Science (Random House, 1966)
Studies of Language and Literature (Random House, 1966)
Viking Critical Library (Viking, 1966)
Zebra Books (Grove, c. March 1966)
Anchor Octavos (Doubleday, Aug. 5, 1966)
Harbrace Paperbound Library (Harcourt, Brace & World, Sept. 21, 1966)
Anchor Modern Studies in Philosophy (Doubleday, Dec. 2, 1966)
Borzoi Studies in History (Random House, 1967)
Cinema World / Cinema One (Doubleday, January 1967)
Minerva Press (Funk & Wagnall's, July 1967)
Studies in International Affairs (Johns Hopkins, July 12, 1967)
Waymark Books (Doubleday, Aug. 11, 1967)
Clarion Books (Simon & Schuster, October 1967)
Primers in Economics (Random House, 1968)
Scribner School / Student Paperbacks (Charles Scribner's Sons, 1968)
Studio Handbooks / Paperbacks (Viking, 1968)
Studies in American Negro Life (Atheneum, Feb. 20, 1968)
Harper Forum Books (Harper & Row, Mar. 13, 1968)
Integration and Community Building in Eastern Europe (Johns Hopkins UP, August 1968)
Apollo Business Books (Thomas Y. Crowell / Dodd, Mead / William Morrow, 1969)
Temple Books (Atheneum, 1969)
Sunburst Books (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, April 1969)
Stein and Day Paperbacks (Stein and Day, May 28, 1969)
Walden Editions (Ballantine, September 1969)
Harper Trade Department Books (Harper & Row, 1970)
Liveright Paperbound Editions (Liveright, 1970)
Plume Books (NAL, Apr. 15, 1970)
Modern Masters (Viking, June 1970)
Harrow Books (Harper & Row, Fall 1970)
Beagle Books (Ballantine, October 1970)
Studio Astrology Series (Viking, Oct. 13, 1970)
Battlebooks (Sierra Club, 1971)
Icon Editions (Harper & Row, Spring 1971)
Documents of 20th Century Art (Viking, September 1971)
Pioneers of Modern Architecture (Viking, Feb. 4, 1972)
MGM Library of Film Scripts (Viking, March 1972)
Studies in Human Behavior (Atheneum, May 1972)
Jubilee Books (Harper & Row, August 1975)
Jubilee Giants (Harper & Row, 1977)
Yale English Poets (Yale UP, 1981)