Sunburst Books

Publisher: Farrar, Straus and Giroux

Years: 1967-1971

Related Series: Noonday Paperbacks

SUNBURST BOOKS, PW, Mar. 10, 1969, at 76 ("This is a new paperback line for Farrar, and will bring out in inexpensive editions some of the best of that house's hardcover titles.")

Ad, PW, Apr. 7, 1969, at 10:

Sunburst Books present the essential writings of major American and European authors in attractive paperback editions, 500 to 800 pages in length. Each volume offers a substantial cross-section of a writer's work, and may contain one novel or more, short stories, plays, essays, letters. Important poets are represented either by their complete works or by significant selections.

No individual work, no matter how great, can give the reader a true sense of a writer's quality. Sunburst Books are designed to display the complete artistry of authors of unquestionable stature.