Forthcoming Books
Years: 1966-
Frequency: bi-monthly
Use: lists books due to be published over the next five months
Bowker's Books to Come ( -- predecessor? See PW, Jan. 16, 1961, at 55:
Bowker announces the discontinuance of its magazine Books to Come with the issue of November, 1960. The advance book reporting service was issued six times a year, using advance listings from the Library Journal.
Full advance listings and descriptions will, of course, continue to be published in the regular and special issues of Library Journal. Books to Come subscribers are being notified about the method of fulfilling any unexpired subscriptions.
"Forthcoming Books," New Bowker Bi-Monthly, PW, Dec. 6, 1965, at 35.
Ad, PW, Dec. 27, 1965, at 28.
Ad, PW, Mar. 21, 1966, at [107].
Ad, PW, Aug. 8, 1966, at [100].
Bowker, PW, Jan. 23, 1967, at 161 (announcing Subject Guide to Forthcoming Books, a companion index to Forthcoming Books).